Our Services

Our team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and support throughout the entire process, from initial consultation to ongoing maintenance and support. We believe that by working together, we can achieve better outcomes and drive success for your business.

Cloud Management Services

We excel in delivering full and partly cloud infrastructure management services including monitoring, deploying, designing, optimizing, and supporting IT infrastructure. Webkalakaar ensures scalability, availability, and high-performance of the cloud infrastructures.

Integrating Technologies

To consistently deliver high-quality cloud management services, we comprehend the modern trends and deploy high-tech solutions by integrating technologies including GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.

Efficient and Scalable Cloud Infrastructure

Our diverse cloud infrastructure management includes public and private cloud integration, migration and deployment, administration, monitoring, and network maintenance of the cloud infrastructure. We also offer cost optimization services.

Desktop Application Development

A combination of immense experience, rich-technical expertise, and extensive understanding of low-level desktop OS architecture allows us to provide full-scale desktop application development services that help find a solution for even the most complex problems.

Desktop Software Modernization

We create licensed and boxed solutions for a number of platforms. Our extensive experience allows us to pick the right technologies for not only developing new solutions but also updating the old ones.

Desktop Software Integration

To ensure the efficiency of a modern distributed system, automation along with proper data flow is imperative across the enterprise IT environment. Therefore, we create complex integrating solutions that yield desired results.

Web Application Development

We are client-centric, customer-focused, developing website solutions that deliver concrete business results. At, Webkalakaar we specialize in website designing and development. Our developers create web experiences that are digital transformative, feature-rich, robust, user-friendly, and fully secure.

Personalized Web Solutions

We have experienced and knowledgeable developers on board who develop tailored web applications that would fit any screen size. Regardless of the challenges your business faces, we would surely come up with a personalized, full-blown web solution.

Integrating Modern Technologies

We use a broad range of technologies including React, Angular, Ember, Backbone, Vue etc to design solutions that are useable and scalable.

Mobile Application Development

We offer high-end, mobile application development, integration, and modernization services. Whether it is a transformative organization-class application, or it is a customer-oriented solution, we will have a unique and innovative solution for you.

Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Our team has the experience and unparalleled knowledge of working with different HTML5-based platforms including SproutCore, Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, etc. Thus, we create smart across-platform mobile applications that are compatible with any device.

Agile Mobile Application Development

We use an agile process and proactive approach to optimize your investment and time at every step of the digital process to ensure you get a robust, responsive, and effective digital solution.

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-flat-design-metaverse-illustration_21860002.htm">Image by pikisuperstar</a>

VR Game/Application Development

Webkalakaar provides unique, innovative, and creative gaming solutions for businesses across industries. Our Virtual Reality games are very realistic and the 3D characters would teleport the player inside the game itself.

Experienced VR Game Developers

We have a team of highly skilled, certified VR game developers who have complete knowledge of the latest technologies and developments in VR technology.

Agility and Optimization

At Webkalakaar, for optimization purposes, we use every possible technique (static and dynamic batching, object pooling, baked lighting, etc.) and for agility, we have in place a very simple and easy work process.

Manual and Automation Testing

We have experienced, and skilled testers to ensure seamlessly manual testing as well as fully automated, robust test automation frameworks for thorough and rigorous testing. We use Java + Selenium for automation testing.

Web Application Testing

Our web application testing services verify all non-functional and functional requirements, thus ensuring that the app is secure, user-friendly, and error-free.

Mobile Application Testing

To ensure the responsiveness, reliability, and usability of a mobile app, we offer testing services with advanced complexities. We perform testing across networks, multiplatform, different operating systems, and devices. Desktop Application Testing

To discover the weakness of a desktop application, it needs to be tested under pressure and that is exactly what we do. We will monitor load time under different conditions, database behavior, the application’s scalable ability, and its recovery time after following a strain.

API Testing

We offer top-notch, extensive API Testing services to ensure that you have an extremely robust software solution for your business.

Load Testing

We aim to provide a high-quality load testing service that helps avoid downtimes once your marketing activities start generating traffic.

Resources As Service (RAS)

In the dynamic landscape of information technology, enterprises require the agility to scale their resources efficiently and promptly. Our Resource as a Service (RaaS) model addresses this necessity by providing immediate access to proficient IT professionals and cutting-edge technologies.

Our RaaS Portfolio

Whether managing a temporary surge in projects, seeking specialized expertise, or optimizing operational expenditures, our RaaS solutions seamlessly integrate into your infrastructure, augmenting productivity and fostering innovation. Our RaaS portfolio include:

  • Back-end Engineer
  • Front-end Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Full-Stack Engineer
  • Digital Marketing Expert